FORD DressCoat CosmeCream C120

FORD DressCoat CosmeCream C120
For Rebonding & Digital Perm.

For Professional Use

Made in Japan

FORD DressCoat CosmeCream C120

Suitable for hard hair and highly water-repellent hair (resistant hair). By using free Cysteamine as a setting agent, damage caused by alkali is reduced and a soft finish is maintained.

For highly water-repellent hair. It can be used for both straight and hot curls (Rebonding & Digital Perm).

To be used with the following Neutralisers:

  1. FORD Silhouest Perm Neutraliser-C2 (For Rebonding)
  2. FORD Silhouest Perm Neutraliser-L2 (For Digital Perm)

For Professional Use

Made in Japan

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