Jochem’s Supreme Hair Preparation

Jochem’s Supreme Hair Preparation. (A Supreme Formulation)

The Original Dutch Formula.

For prevention of Thinning & Falling Hair.

Made in Singapore

Jochem’s Supreme Hair Preparation.

Jochem’s Supreme Hair Preparation is a stronger more concentrated formulation of the “The Original Dutch Formula” of Jochem’s Hair Preparation.

For prevention of Thinning & Falling Hair.

A highly specialised product for the hair, compounded with 60% Denatured Alcohol, vitamins and mineral substances.

Jochem’s Hair Preparation is the result of many years research by the well known Dutch Hairdresser A.J.J. Jochem.

It contains ingredients essential to hair and is equally effective for men, women and children.

The international registered signatureof A.J.J. Jochem guarantees that the contents of this pack conforms to the Original exclusive Jochem’s Formula.

Made in Singapore with imported ingredients.

For more information, please visit:

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